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个人简介 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
李汇军(博士、副教授、研究生导师) 教育经历 2005.09 – 2009.07 中科院空间科学与应用研究中心空间物理专业/博士 1998.09 – 2001.07 解放军理工大学应用气象学专业/硕士 1994.09 – 1998.07 空军气象学院动力气象学专业/学士 工作经历 2016.09 – 至今 南京航空航天大学航天学院/副教授 2009.09 – 2016.09 解放军理工大学/讲师/副教授 2013.09 – 2015.12 解放军理工大学大气科学博士后工作站/博士后 2001.07 – 2005.09 解放军理工大学/助教/讲师 学术评审 2017 Reviewer of Science China Earth Sciences 2015 Reviewer of Journal of Geophysics Research 学会组织 2014-present Member of American Meteorological Society 2009-present Member of American Geophysical Union | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
学术成果 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
主要学术论著 (1) Li, H. J.*, C. Y. Li, X. S. Feng, J. Xiang, Y. Y. Huang, and S. D. Zhou (2017), Optimal selection of the regular parameters: technique renovation for Grad-Shafranov reconstruction, J. Geophys. Res., 122, 2017JA024862, to appear . (2) Li, H. J.*, C. Y. Li, X. S. Feng, J. Xiang, Y. Y. Huang, and S. D. Zhou (2017), Data completion with Hilbert transform over plane rectangle: Technique renovation for the Grad-Shafranov reconstruction, J. Geophys. Res., 122, 3949--3960, doi:10.1002/2016JA023191. (3) Qi Y. L., Li, H. J.*, Xiang, J. Man H. J. (2014), Ballistic coefficient estimation of satellite in low Earth orbit and atmosphere model error analysis (in Chinese), Chin. J. Space Sci., 34(1): 89—94. Doi:10.11728/cjss2014.01.089 (4) Li, H. J.*, X. S. Feng, J. Xiang, and P. B. Zuo (2013), New approach for the inverse boundary value problem of Laplace's equation on a circle : technique renovation for the Grad-Shafranov (GS) reconstruction, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 1—6, doi:10.1002/jgra.50367. (5) Qi Y. L., Li, H. J.*, Xiang, J. Man H. J. (2013), Periodic variations of drag coefficient for the ANDE spherical satellites during its lifetime, Chin. J. Space Sci., 33(5): 525—531. (6) Li H. J. *, X. S. Feng, P. B. Zuo, and Y. Q. Xie (2009), Inferring Interplanetary Flux Rope Orientation with the Minimum Residue (MR) Method, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A03102, doi:10.1029/2008JA013331. (7) Li H. J. *, X. S. Feng, P. B. Zuo, and Y. Q. Xie (2009), Observations of the Residual Field Aligned Flow Inside Magnetic Cloud Structure, Sci. in China (E), 52(9), 2555-2566, doi:10.1007/s1431-009-0087-3. (8) Li H. J. *, F. S. Wei, X. S. Feng, and Y. Q. Xie (2008), On improvement to the Shock Propagation Model (SPM) applied to interplanetary shock transit time forecasting, J. Geophys. Res.,113, A09101, doi:10.1029/2008JA013167 会议摘要/报告 (1) Li, H.-J.*, C.-Y. Li, X.-S. Feng, J. Xiang, Y.-Y. Huang (2017), Optimal selection of the regular parameters: technique renovation for the GS reconstruction, the 4th International Space Weather Conference, July 31 to August 4, 2017, Shunyi, Beijing. (2) Zhou, S. D., Li H. J. * (2017), Review to the Rocket-Borne Wind Sounding Technology in the Middle Atmosphere, AS04-A004, the AOGS-2017 conference, 6--11 August 2017, Singapore. (3) 李汇军*,唐歌实,项杰,黄莹莹,满海钧(2016),热层大气极区对流电场的原位探测与重构,大气探测微纳卫星系统规划与论证工作会议,北京(国家空间科学与应用研空中心) (4) Li, H.J.*, Li C.,Feng X. S., Pan X. B., Huang Y. and Xiang J. (2016), Solution of the Grad-Shafranov (GS) equations with insufficient Cauchy data : technique renovation for the GS reconstruction, the AOGS-2016 conference, July 31 to August 5, 2016, Beijing. (5) Li, H.J.*, Li C.,Feng X. S., Zhou S. D., Huang Y. and Xiang J. (2016), How to calculate the downslope wind rightly?, the AOGS-2016 conference, July 31 to August 5, 2016, Beijing. (6) 李汇军*, 查石祥, 孙凌锋, 黄莹莹, 满海钧 (2015), 低轨道航天器在轨期间大气背景场分析与轨道机动作业期间的大气密度现报和预报, “基于子午工程和双星计划的地球空间天气数值预报建模研究” ---- 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973 计划)2015年度学术会议,武汉。 (7) Li, H. J.*, C.Y. Li, X.S. Feng, X. B. Pan, Y. Y. Huang, and J. Xiang (2015), Hilbert transform over upper half-plane and its high accuracy quadrature scheme: technique renovation of the gravity wave reconstruction, AS31A-08, the 2015 AGU Joint Assembly (Invited oral presentation), Montreal, Canada. (8) Li, H. J.*, X. S. Feng (2014), Technique renovation of the Grad-Shafranov reconstruction, D2.5-0137-14, The 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2014.08, Moscow. (9) Li, H. J.*, X. S. Feng, J. Xiang, and P. B. Zuo (2014), New approach for the inverse boundary value problem of Laplace's equation on a rectangle: technique renovation for the Grad-Shafranov (GS) reconstruction,SH43B-4218,2014 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California. 邀请报告 (1) Li, H.J.*, Li C., Pan X, Huang Y. and Xiang J. (2017), Technique renovation for Grad-Shafranov (GS) reconstruction, A talk at Prof. Tao Qian's seminar (University of Macau) (2) Li, H.J.*, Li C., Pan X, Huang Y. and Xiang J. (2015), Removing of the Cauchy Singularity in Hilbert Transform Over Unit Circle and Its High Accuracy Quadrature, L2540-600, New directions in Numerical Computation: In Celeberation of Nick Trefethen’s 60th Birthday, Oxford University, 25-28 August, 2015. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
承担项目 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
主要科研项目: 2018-2020 国家自然科学基金面上项目“箭载中层大气三维流场探测理论问题研究(41775039)”/ 参研 2017-2020 军内科研预先研究项目“弹载气象探测载荷技术”/参研 2015-2018 军内科研重点项目“平流层大气湍动预报模式”/主研 2014-2017 国家自然科学基金面上项目“中纬度地形重力波稳态结构及其在平流层中的初级不稳定性研究(41375045)”/主研 2014-2016 国家973项目子课题“空间天气数值模式集成与预报试验专项任务(2012CB825606)”/主研 2014-2015 国家博士后基金特别资助项目“极区高层大气对流电场重构理论研究(2014T70965)”/主研 2013-2015 军内科研预先研究课题“近地空间大气环境参数分析技术”/参研 2012-2013 军内科研技术基础项目“磁层磁场计算模型”/主研 2011-2013 军内科研主要项目“临近空间天监测预报装备技术综合论证”/主研 2011-2013 国家博士后基金一等资助项目“高层大气密度与中层大气急流多时间尺度变化特征分析(2011M500151)”/主研 2010-2012 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“等离子体惯性效应在行星际磁通量绳结构重建中的作用研究(40904048)”/主研 |