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先后承担了《飞行器建模与分析》、《空间飞行器动力学与控制》等课程的教学工作;主持了自然科学基金面上项目、基础加强项目、前沿创新项目、快速支持项目、航天科技创新基金等10余项国家级和省部级项目;以第一作者或通讯作者在《Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics》、《IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems》、《IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine》等SCI源刊上发表研究论文20余篇,授权发明专利12件,获国防科学技术进步奖等5项科研奖励;先后担任了《航空学报》和《宇航学报》青年编委,2020年被《航空学报》评为“优秀青年编委”。



1. Liu, Y. B.*, Deng, J., and Lu, Y. P. Preliminary research on optimal design based on control demands for hypersonic morphing vehicle. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 2013, 28(5): 23-31.

2. Liu, Y. B.*, Xiao. D., Zhang, Y., et al. Conceptual study on control-integrated design based on multidisciplinary tradeoff needs for morphing waveriders. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2014, 27(4): 04014008.

3. Liu, Y. B.*, Peng, K. M., Lu, Y. P., et al. Flight control law using composite nonlinear feedback technique for a Mars airplane. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2016, 39(9): 2194-2202.

4. Xiao, D. B., Liu, M. Y., Liu, Y. B.*, et al. Switching control of a hypersonic vehicle based on guardian maps. Acta Astronautica, 2016, 122(5): 294-306.

5. 刘燕斌*,陈柏屹,肖地波等. 高超声速飞行器面向控制一体化迭代设计的参数化模型. 中国科学:技术科学, 2016, 46(10): 1024-1038.

6. Shen, H. D., Liu, Y. B.*, Chen, B. Y., et al. Control-relevant modeling and performance limitation analysis for flexible air-breathing hypersonic vehicles. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 76(5): 340-349.

7. Chen, B. Y., Liu, Y. B.*, Shen, H. D., et al. Performance limitations in trajectory tracking control for air-breathing hypersonic vehicles. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2019, 32(1), 167-175.

8. Chen, B. Y., Chen, J. B., Liu, Y. B. *, et al. Guardian maps based robust stability analysis with applications in flight control of hypersonic vehicles. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 106: 106208.

9. Cao, R., Shen, H. D., Liu Y. B. *, et al. The LOES-based control scheme of aerospace vehicle under flying quality constraints. Acta Astronautica, 2020, 177: 258-269.

10. 曹瑞, 刘燕斌*, 沈海东等. 基于鸽群搜索策略的代理模型结构优化方法. 中国科学:技术科学, 2020, 50(12): 84-96.

11. Cao, R., Liu, Y. B.*, and Lu, Y. P. Robust multiple model predictive control for ascent trajectory tracking of aerospace vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2022, 58(2): 1333-1351.

12. Cao, R., Liu, Y. B.*, and Lu, Y. P.Robust optimization of control command for aerospace vehicles with aerodynamic uncertainty. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022, 35(12): 226-241.






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